Sunday, 6 December 2015

It's Happy Party Time!

Happy Sunday friends, 

We all love the Happy song from Pharrell Williams that was a humongous hit back in 2013 with the release of the Despicable Me 2 movie (Minions!!!), but did you know there's an accompanying book? It's the cutest book which features the lyrics from the song alongside adorable photos of happy, giggling children doing what makes them happy: dancing in the rain, pretending to be a monster, flying a kite, an astronaut, and more! 

To celebrate the book's release, we had a Happy Party where we explore all the things that make us happy. 

Here's our Happy Party Pack ready for Tristan, Scarlett and James to enjoy!  

The boys loved dressing up with the crazy glasses and pirate hats....

...and dancing to pop music  

Scarlett also loved the crazy glasses, but also jumping on the bubble wrap 
from the Happy Party Pack making as much noise as possible! 

We safely used the indoor sparklers from the Happy Party Pack to decorate chocolate fudge cupcakes 
in these crazy silicone funny feet cupcake liners (from the local charity shop!)...

...then we all enjoyed every crumb! 

Thank you Pharrell for such a positive and vibrant song for everyone to enjoy.

So, what makes you happy? Comment below!


* I was not paid for this article. I was asked to host a Happy Party using items sent to me, and to post photos on this blog*
* If you would like me to review your product or service, please email me on for a friendly chat*