Wednesday, 18 November 2015

My 7th Heaven Mid-Week Pampering Session REVIEW

Happy Wednesday friends!

It's hump, not that! We're are officially over half-way through the week, aka over the hump, and we're getting closer to the weekend.

Wednesday is always a good day to pamper yourself as it gives your skin a chance to settle after a good deep cleansing face mask before a fabulous weekend of fun.

But the question is, which 7th Heaven product do I want to use today? A foot soak? Hair masque? Face mask? Decisions decisions!

Tonight, I'm going to go with lots of exotic fruit ones:
* Coconut Protein Rescue Masque
This boosts volume, and is designed for weak, dry or fine hair
* Passion Peel-Off
This helps peel away dead cells
* Juiced Grapefruit Foot Soak and Pressed Mint Foot Lotion
This moisturises and softens feet

Tonight's pampering began with the 7th Heaven Passion Peel-Off face mask which was luxuriously fragrant as soon as you ripped open the sachet! The pink gel inside was the perfect consistency and applied easily to my face without dripping. I will say that due to the pink/red hue of the mask, it did look like I had serious sunburn which amused the kiddiwinks!

After waiting the 25 minutes for the mask to dry, it was time for the challenge that is "getting the peel-off mask off in one go"....and it was a success! My skin felt taught and refreshed, and so smooth!

Next up, was to hop in the shower and use the 7th Heaven Coconut Protein Rescue Masque which I would describe as a deep conditioner for hair. You wash your hair as normal, then use the masque as a conditioner, leaving it in for up to 5 minutes. Like the Passion Peel-Off, the scent was so powerful! After rinsing and drying, my hair was definitely softer and had a lovely gentile shine (and I could still smell the coconut while blowdrying!).

The final pampering element is the foot soak and lotion! What a treat! Especially with winter rolling in fast, I can neglect my feet, so it was heaven to spend a good 15-20 minutes with my toes soaking, followed by a nourishing smother of the lotion. I was so inspired with the foot pampering that I added a lick of berry-coloured polish to my nails.

Thank you to My 7th Heaven for all these goodies! Check them out online, Facebook and Twitter!

And of course you can find me, Viccy, all over the Internet!
Blog * Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * YouTube

* I was not paid for this article. I was asked for my genuine personal opinion on their products to be published on my blog*
* If you would like me to review your product or service, please email me on for a friendly chat*