Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Save your Life with Tap2Tag REVIEW

Hello everyone,

Today, I want to share with you all a new gadget that integrates seamlessly into family life, but is such an important asset in any emergency situation. This device can potentially save your life!

This is the Tap2Tag: it's simply a silicone wristband that uses NFC technology to store the wearer's personal information, including medical history, all in case of emergency.

But what is NFC? NFC stands for Near Field Communication, and is a wireless communication that transmits a radio field at a close range. An NFC exchange in this situation, involves a smart phone and the Tap2Tag device.

In an emergency, paramedics and first responders can utlilise the NFC technology to gain instant access to your personal information. This is great for those who have a diagnosed condition or on prescribed medication, as this information is instantly accessed by the right people at the crucial time.

For a one-off cost of £15 (as of October 2014), and no subscription service, you can purchase a Tap2Tag wristband in a variety of colours and sizes from their website. If a wristband is unsuitable for you, you could instead purchase a plastic keyfob (£8) to attach to your keys, or a medical card (£8) that slips into your wallet. All three devices use the NFC technology.

When your wristband arrives, you simply go to the Tap2Tag website to register the device and set-up your profile. Setting-up your profile takes a little time, but it's very easy and intuitive - just fill in the blank spaces! Please remember to consider that the information you add to your profile will be seen in an emergency. Information includes your personal details (name, DOB, address, photo etc), GP's details, medical conditions, current medication, allergies, blood group etc. You can also add Emergency Contact details, and Tap2Tag recommend you add as many as needed. When the device is "tapped" in an emergency situation, the device can send an email or text message to your emergency contact (if this option is selected during set-up).

How It Works

How the Tap2Tag device has been applied in the real world

To test the Tap2Tag out, I "tapped" it with my smart phone to see how it would work in an emergency situation. At first it didn't work, so I went into my settings, and quickly discovered that my NFC wasn't enabled. Once I enabled NFC on my phone, it was a quick "tap" and I was able to view my name, age and the public message.

This is an amazing product, and as the word gets out about the Tap2Tag, people are getting creative and finding new uses for it - including one that is perfect for the school pick-up! If the usual parent/carer is unable to collect their child, the school won't be able to release that child. Many schools, including Tristan's, use a code-word system, but many schools do not. One way to utilise the Tap2Tag for this situation, is for the parent to update the "public" profile on the device to say "Authorised people to pick up my child are: John Michael Jones DOB 11/04/1972 and Margaret Jane Smith DOB 16/02/1981". If there is a one-off problem, such as a parent is unable to collect at the last minute (traffic, stuck at work, etc), they can quickly log-in and update the "public" profile to say "Stuck at work. Neighbour Phyllis Rose Parker 10/06/1950 will pick up".

Other uses include family day trips. In case Tristan or Scarlett get lost, the "public" profile on their wristbands can say "If child is lost, please call 07012 345678". This could equally apply to elderly family members, including those with dementia and similar medical conditions.

The wristband itself is waterproof, and it is estimated they will last at least five years. I'm really impressed with this versatile and simple device, and I wish Chris Ford, the brains behind the Tap2Tag, the very best in getting these devices into every household! The next step is making the general public aware of this amazing life-saving device so it's used to its full potential.

You can find Tap2Tag on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

* I was not paid for this article. I was asked for my genuine personal opinion on their product to be published on my blog. As a thank you, I was allowed to keep the product*
* If you would like me to review your product or service, please email me on to discuss*